Detoxification is the natural process of filtering waste form the cells, organs and bloodstream, while cleansing refers to eliminating toxins form the body. The following is a brief explanation of how each of the body's seven channels of elimination helps remove harmful toxins and waste.
The Liver
The Kidneys
The Lungs, Skin, Lymph and Blood
The Bowel (Colon)
Each organ has a special function with a special roll in elimination of toxins.
The Liver:
*It filters waste and toxins from the bloodstream.
*It uses enzymes to neutralize or alter waste products and toxins so they can be eliminated easily from the body.
This secondary function (called conjugation) is necessary because the body has trouble eliminating fat-soluble waste products on its own. The liver uses various enzymes to convert them into water-soluble waste products before sending them to the kidneys to be eliminated through the bladder. Waste products that cannot be converted are left in the fat-soluble state and deposited in fat cells located throughout the body. If it becomes too overloaded, the liver will dump excess waste back into the bloodstream. This waste ends up in the kidneys, lungs, skin and lymphatic system.
Digestive Care, Issue 6, Volume1