Monday, October 4, 2010

The study of the eyes, Iridology

The eyes speak so loudly and so softly. When you look in the eyes of a person you can see so many emotions. You can see pain, love, hurt, joy, fear and courage. When I was in school and doing an assessment on a 67 year old black man I learned so much. As I put my round lenses over his eye and began looking with my pen light, I felt like I was in another world. In the small round mass was a beautiful array of colors, and a depth of many thin, stretched fibers. Iridology is a great tool to assess the health of the inner organs. You can find weak and strong organs by looking into the eyes. I saw in my friend an over-acid eye. An over-acid eye has arthritic tendencies, which result in joint stiffness, pain, and inflammation. Foods such as red meat, pork, dairy products, sugar, coffee, alcohol, white flour, and citrus should be avoided.  Eat foods rich in natural sodium such as celery, strawberries, and lentils. Drink distilled water (alkalized). People become fearful, when they hear they have an organ which has weak tendencies. I feel we need to change our perspective and look at it with an opportunity for change. A change to strengthen the weak areas and renew out balance in life.

As you talk with people this week, slow down and take a deep long look into their eyes. The eyes reflect the candle of the heart.

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