Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Beauty of Rest!

Have you ever noticed and watched people who are just plain tired? Their attitude changes, their tone of voice is weary, sharp, or whiny. People are just plain "short" with each other. The nervous system can't be repaired when we don't get the proper sleep or rest. I am amazed at the people I talk to that can't get their day started without some stimulant. Then when night time comes they can't seem to calm down or sleep well. The same cycle starts the next day.

Life was meant to be enjoyed. I love the word "enjoy". Do you enjoy your life? Do you enjoy the people you live with? Do you enjoy your work? When you enjoy life, you seem to be more at rest. Your heart seems to be at peace. I have had to make many changes in my life, to find a path of more peace and rest. Some times we need to make a change of the people in our life that are not healthy. Sometimes a boundary of saying "no" to everyone and everything, so you can have time for "just you".

When my family was younger and I was nursing and having babies, I took a nap in the afternoon. I heard this little voice inside of me say one day,"come apart or fall apart". Because I home schooled my children, I made then have a quiet time in the afternoon too. I tried to teach them at a young age that it was important to get away from everyone and just rest. No music, no talking, just quiet. It's amazing how some people don't enjoy the quiet. It does wonders for the nerves. I challenge you this week to go to place of quiet with nature and rest. Practice being still and just listen to the quiet. Enjoy yourself!


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