Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Processed Food Consumption!

Processed foods are those that have been through a commercial refining process, often meant to increase shelf life. During the refining process, however, foods are stripped of dozens of their essential nutrients that are necessary for healthy digestion. Once these nutrients are subtracted from food, the body is unable to digest it properly. Consequently, digested foods will ferment into simple sugars, and alcohols start providing fuel for yeast and bacteria, leading to indigestion, gas, and bloating. All increases the body's toxic load and can lead to serious health problems.

Taking the time to prepare food in more of a 'natural state' instead of a 'process state' can be rewarding. It's actually an art in itself. And causes us to slow down and enjoy the moment.

One time in my life with about six children under foot. I remember a woman who came to care for my children while I was away for a couple of days. I remember her response was, " I don't know what to make, there is nothing in the cupboards." What she was really saying was there is no processed foods in the cupboards. My husband at that time went and purchased some food to her liking.

What I am saying is this: A lot of processed food in our diets will cause many health problems. It is a pleasure to slow down and enjoy the beauty of cooking with family members and prepare a meal together, because what we don't teach our children will only hurt them in the future.

References: Digestive Care Issue 7

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