Thursday, September 23, 2010

Inadequate Chewing /Excess Fluid

Proper digestion begins in the mouth with the secretion of a natural enzyme called ptyalin. Taking the time to chew your food into small particles gives the ptyalin plenty of time to completely mix with the food and catalyze the digestive process. When food is swallowed after only a few short chews, there is often insufficient time for ptyalin to do its job and digestion is impaired.  Large inadequately chewed food particles are harder for the body to digest and can result in gas, bloating and indigestion.  Similarly, drinking an excess amount of fluid with meals decreases the effectiveness of ptyalin and inhibits the digestive process.1

My eleventh child who has down syndrome is a great challenge for eating slower. In his mind, he thinks he is not going to get enough food to eat. He can out eat anyone in our family if I would allow him to continuously eat. When he comes to the table, it is a constant reminder to train  him to slow down and chew his food. He will literally shove food in his mouth without chewing and then he develops digestion issues. Because of his mind-set I give him enzymes to support his digestive system. A quiet setting is also a help for him.

I read an article of a gentleman who is 105 years old and someone asked him what was his secret to living so long. He said, digestion starts in the mouth. You must chew, chew and chew some more. Good wisdom for today is chew your food well and enjoy the taste!

References: Digestive Care Issue 7,volume 1

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