Saturday, November 27, 2010

Internal Cleansing:

Today more than ever, the human body is inundated with harmful toxins from countless sources.  External toxins such as pesticides, industrial pollutants, and the harsh chemicals used in many household cleaning agents and personal care products have been steadily making their way into our air, water and food.  These toxic substances can enter the body,  eventually taking up residence in its organs and tissues.  Over time this buildup of toxins can lead to significant and lasting health problems.

In addition to external toxins, there are internal toxins that originate inside the body.  While some are the byproducts of everyday cell function, many are the result of unhealthy eating habits.  Processed foods laden with preservatives lack the natural enzymes and nutrients that aid digestion. This in turn can inhibit the digestive process, allowing undigested food to ferment in the intestines and colon and become toxic.

To rid itself of its toxic burden, the body uses a combination of organs and organ systems collectively dubbed the seven channels of elimination: the liver, lungs, lymphatic system, kidneys, skin blood and bowel {or colon}. Each works together to filter and eliminate toxic substances and waste, but because of the increasing number of toxins to which our bodies are exposed daily, those channels are often overwhelmed.  We will examine the role of each organ or organ system and its task{s} in the overall cleansing and detoxification process in the days ahead.1
digestive care, advanced natural,issue 6,volume1

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nature's Tapestry!

Tapestry is richness of design. When I look out in the woods of my backyard, I see such a richness of design. The colors of all different flowers, herbs, trees and animals. Nature has a character all of it's own. The vast array of a multiple of beauty. There is nothing more calming and soothing than putting your feet on the earths ground and walking among the nature's tapestry.

I remember in years past going through some heavy trials. I would take long walks with my devoted Golden Retriever, Brittney. The two of us would walk a couple of miles in the morning, and a couple of miles in the evening. Those long, faithful walks with my four legged companion saved my life. It gave me a chance to escape the daily bustle of home life. It gave me some peace from the "mommy give me this" or "mommy help me with that".

Think about the wisdom of God. Green is a calming color. The grass and green's in nature have a quieting effect on you body and mind. Blue is a calming color. The sky is broad and long.  In the past when my thoughts would be racing and the busyness of life would overwhelm me, I would lay on the grass and just look into the sky. I would stay there until my heart and mind slowed down. It was wonderful therapy and it doesn't cost anything, except a little bit of your time. I even taught my children that tool when they were younger. Your can reach for a another unhealthy substitute, or you can use Nature's Tapestry to bring nourishment to entire body, soul and spirit. I challenge you to give it a try, it's free for the taking. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Understanding Enzymes!

Does anyone here know anyone with indigestion, gas, bloating, heartburn, rapid heartbeat after eating, diarrhea or constipation?

Do you know anyone having trouble tolerating stress?

Do you know anyone with irritability, insomnia, stiffness of soreness in their joints?

Do you know anyone who has been on a medication for the same problem for more than 6 months?

If anyone answered  " Yes " to any of these questions, you are about to find out how to help them, as these may be symptoms of an enzyme deficiency or a digestive disorder.

If you could learn about a natural way to heal these problems without drugs, would I have your attention?

Simply eating a food does not guarantee that you are getting the nutrition from that food.

The medical world is traditionally untrained in areas of nutrition and digestion.  The  "cure " for digestive disorders by the pharmaceutically propelled medical world is to give you a pill to relieve your symptom.

America has embrace the idea of one pill per day, covered by the insurance, that tastes good and fixes all of their problems. Healing is getting to the "root" of the problem. Changes sometimes must take place. Negative thoughts must be replaced. And just knowing that you are deeply loved can transform your passion for life.

Where are you today? What changes do you need to make today?

Monday, October 4, 2010

The study of the eyes, Iridology

The eyes speak so loudly and so softly. When you look in the eyes of a person you can see so many emotions. You can see pain, love, hurt, joy, fear and courage. When I was in school and doing an assessment on a 67 year old black man I learned so much. As I put my round lenses over his eye and began looking with my pen light, I felt like I was in another world. In the small round mass was a beautiful array of colors, and a depth of many thin, stretched fibers. Iridology is a great tool to assess the health of the inner organs. You can find weak and strong organs by looking into the eyes. I saw in my friend an over-acid eye. An over-acid eye has arthritic tendencies, which result in joint stiffness, pain, and inflammation. Foods such as red meat, pork, dairy products, sugar, coffee, alcohol, white flour, and citrus should be avoided.  Eat foods rich in natural sodium such as celery, strawberries, and lentils. Drink distilled water (alkalized). People become fearful, when they hear they have an organ which has weak tendencies. I feel we need to change our perspective and look at it with an opportunity for change. A change to strengthen the weak areas and renew out balance in life.

As you talk with people this week, slow down and take a deep long look into their eyes. The eyes reflect the candle of the heart.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Beauty of Rest!

Have you ever noticed and watched people who are just plain tired? Their attitude changes, their tone of voice is weary, sharp, or whiny. People are just plain "short" with each other. The nervous system can't be repaired when we don't get the proper sleep or rest. I am amazed at the people I talk to that can't get their day started without some stimulant. Then when night time comes they can't seem to calm down or sleep well. The same cycle starts the next day.

Life was meant to be enjoyed. I love the word "enjoy". Do you enjoy your life? Do you enjoy the people you live with? Do you enjoy your work? When you enjoy life, you seem to be more at rest. Your heart seems to be at peace. I have had to make many changes in my life, to find a path of more peace and rest. Some times we need to make a change of the people in our life that are not healthy. Sometimes a boundary of saying "no" to everyone and everything, so you can have time for "just you".

When my family was younger and I was nursing and having babies, I took a nap in the afternoon. I heard this little voice inside of me say one day,"come apart or fall apart". Because I home schooled my children, I made then have a quiet time in the afternoon too. I tried to teach them at a young age that it was important to get away from everyone and just rest. No music, no talking, just quiet. It's amazing how some people don't enjoy the quiet. It does wonders for the nerves. I challenge you this week to go to place of quiet with nature and rest. Practice being still and just listen to the quiet. Enjoy yourself!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Inadequate Chewing /Excess Fluid

Proper digestion begins in the mouth with the secretion of a natural enzyme called ptyalin. Taking the time to chew your food into small particles gives the ptyalin plenty of time to completely mix with the food and catalyze the digestive process. When food is swallowed after only a few short chews, there is often insufficient time for ptyalin to do its job and digestion is impaired.  Large inadequately chewed food particles are harder for the body to digest and can result in gas, bloating and indigestion.  Similarly, drinking an excess amount of fluid with meals decreases the effectiveness of ptyalin and inhibits the digestive process.1

My eleventh child who has down syndrome is a great challenge for eating slower. In his mind, he thinks he is not going to get enough food to eat. He can out eat anyone in our family if I would allow him to continuously eat. When he comes to the table, it is a constant reminder to train  him to slow down and chew his food. He will literally shove food in his mouth without chewing and then he develops digestion issues. Because of his mind-set I give him enzymes to support his digestive system. A quiet setting is also a help for him.

I read an article of a gentleman who is 105 years old and someone asked him what was his secret to living so long. He said, digestion starts in the mouth. You must chew, chew and chew some more. Good wisdom for today is chew your food well and enjoy the taste!

References: Digestive Care Issue 7,volume 1

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Processed Food Consumption!

Processed foods are those that have been through a commercial refining process, often meant to increase shelf life. During the refining process, however, foods are stripped of dozens of their essential nutrients that are necessary for healthy digestion. Once these nutrients are subtracted from food, the body is unable to digest it properly. Consequently, digested foods will ferment into simple sugars, and alcohols start providing fuel for yeast and bacteria, leading to indigestion, gas, and bloating. All increases the body's toxic load and can lead to serious health problems.

Taking the time to prepare food in more of a 'natural state' instead of a 'process state' can be rewarding. It's actually an art in itself. And causes us to slow down and enjoy the moment.

One time in my life with about six children under foot. I remember a woman who came to care for my children while I was away for a couple of days. I remember her response was, " I don't know what to make, there is nothing in the cupboards." What she was really saying was there is no processed foods in the cupboards. My husband at that time went and purchased some food to her liking.

What I am saying is this: A lot of processed food in our diets will cause many health problems. It is a pleasure to slow down and enjoy the beauty of cooking with family members and prepare a meal together, because what we don't teach our children will only hurt them in the future.

References: Digestive Care Issue 7

Friday, September 17, 2010

The causes of Impaired Digestion!

Digestive Care newsletter states in their April 2008 newsletter that "Impaired digestion can be caused by many factors of everyday life, including stress, the consumption of processed foods, inadequate chewing, excess fluid intake with meals, and overeating." They also defined "Stress: All unconscious activity in the body is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which in turn controls your digestive system and our reactions to stress, whether it be physical, mental or emotional in nature.  Any type of stress can have a adverse effect on the digestive process, virtually stopping it by lowering pancreatic enzyme production and inhibiting HCI production."

A personal example of great stress has accured in my life at many times. One was at the age of 13 years when I developed IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome. No food would remain in my body for long periods of time because I developed a spastic colon. Emotional stress was the problem because of  unhealthy family situations. My nervous system was controlling my colon. Sometimes we keep looking at the problem but never get to the ROOT of the issue. Once I got to the ROOT of the problem my digestive system began to get under control.

One point of wisdom is the atmosphere in which we eat in. Meal time should be a time of quiet and restful relationships. Our nervous systems react to negative, loud and unhealthy circumstances. I am not a loud person by nature, but raising a large family with children of all different personalities and temperments can be a challenge in and of itself. The family meal-time was one of utmost importance to me. I trained each of my children throughout their growing years that same principle.

It was important for me to create a family memory that they could pass on to their children, if they so choose to. One child had their day to help me cook and prepare the meal. The table was set with a pretty table cloth or placemats. The children would even make name tags for each person sitting at the table, which they delighted in doing. They were proud of their accomplishments. Candles and flowers were always a daily arrangement on the table. The table was inviting! Now for the relationships, well it didn't matter what you prepared, some blessed little soul had to complain about what they didn't like. But they were taught at an early age to BE THANKFUL, and eat what was put before them. None of the children were  fond of my Buckwheat groats. But they still ate and to this day none are fussy eaters.  The principle here is to create an atmosphere that is pleasant and warm. Your nervous system and digestive system will thank you for it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Digestive System: Your Body's Energy System

It is no secret that vibrant health begins with the body's ability to properly digest nutrients and eliminate waste.  In fact, the more efficiently your body performs these functions, the healthier you are likely to be.  That's because nearly three-quarters of your immune system is located in your digestive tract, so good digestion is the key to feeling your best everyday.  To understand how the digestive system works, it helps to first examine the different parts of the body involved in the digestive process.

It's not what you eat, it's what you properly digest.

The Mouth:  Digestion begins in the mouth, where the process of chewing breaks down food into smaller particles and releases its natural digestive enzymes.  During the chewing process, the body also releases its own natural enzymes in the mouth {contained in saliva}, which further help break down food.

The Stomach:  The digestive process continues in the stomach, where powerful acids are released to further convert food into nutrients that the body can absorb and use. Hydrochloric acid {HCI} is the most abundant acid in the stomach.  Hydrochloric acid is highly beneficial due to its ability to break down food particles and help destroy harmful bacteria.  {The stomach lining is coated with mucus that protects it from the Hydrochloric acid.}

The Small Intestine:  The majority of the digestive process occurs in the small intestine, where roughly 90 percent of beneficial nutrients are absorbed from food.  A thin coating of mucus along the wall of the small intestine consists mainly of  the amino acids N-acetyl D-glucosamine and L-glutamine, which work together to provide natural intestinal support.  This mucosal lining performs two very important functions: the first is to allow nutrients access to the bloodstream, where they are then transported to all the cells of the body.  The second is to prevent the passage of large, undigested food particles and other harmful organisms form entering the bloodstream.

The Large Intestine:  The last 5 feet of the gastrointestinal tract through which food residue passes is the large intestine, or colon.  Here the final stages of digestion occur as the water and nutrients not absorbed by the small intestine are now absorbed in the colon.  The remaining waste becomes fecal matter, which will eventually be eliminated through the rectum {the chamber at the end of the large intestine.}

Impaired Digestion is a growing concern, while sixty million Americans suffer. It is the leading cause of illness in this country, and one that can ultimately lead to chronic disease. Impaired digestion involves the improper breakdown and absorption of food, and consequences can include:
  •  Constipation
  •  Gas and bloating
  •  Leaky gut
  •  Poor nutrient absorption
  •  Heartburn
  •  Lowered production of hydrochloric acid {HCI}
  •  Pancreatic impairment {reduced enzyme production}
  •  Imbalanced intestinal pH
  •  Food sensitivities

I have such a passion for the digestive system and the way it operates. I get clients who come to me with a whole host of issues concerning the digestive tract.  Candida, constipation, diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Parasites. All of these issues are treatable.

Tomorrow we will discuss: The Causes of Impaired Digestion.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Listening to Your Intuition!

Has it ever occurred to you the God gave you an individuality? Yet he certainly did.

He gave you a personality of your very own, a treasure to be kept to your very own self.  He gave you a life to lead that you and only you should lead.  He gave you work to do that you and only you can do.  He placed you in this world, a divine being, a child of himself - to learn how to become perfect, to gain all knowledge possible, to grow gentle and kind, and to help others.

And it's not so difficult as it may at first appear; we are simply expected to do our best, and we know that this is possible for all of us if we will but listen to the dictates of our own Souls.  Life does not demand of us unthinkable sacrifice; it asks us to travel its journey with joy in our hearts. Many of us in our childhood and early life are much nearer to our own Soul than we are in later years.  We have clearer ideas of our work in life, the endeavors we're expected to make, and the characters we are required to develop.

And has it ever occurred to you how God speaks to you and tells you of your own individuality, and of your very own work, of how to steer your ship true to its own course? He speaks to you through your own desires, which are the instincts of your Soul. How else could he speak? If we but listen to and obey our own desires, uninfluenced by any other personality, we shall always be led rightly.

Our Souls (the still small voice, God's own voice) speaks to us through His Word, our intuition, our instincts, our desires, our ideals, or ordinary likes and dislikes, in whichever way it's easiest for us individually to hear. All true knowledge comes from Him. Neither is it a difficult, faraway attainment to hear the voice of our own souls; it has all been made simple for us if we will but acknowledge it. Simplicity is the keynote of all creation. Truth has no need to be analyzed, argued about, or wrapped up in many words. It's realized in a flash. It's  part of us.

Only about the unessential, complicated things of life do we need much convincing.  This has led to the development of intellect. The things that count are simple; they're the ones that make us say, "Why, that's true, I seem to have known that always." So is the realization of the happiness that comes to us when we're in harmony with our spiritual selves, and the closer the union, the more intense the joy.

In life through trials, stresses, relationships, lack of knowledge, abuse, and the uncaring of our caretakers, we can get out of balance and disharmony within ourselves. We all fall victim to a fallen world. But God is his great wisdom has given us  many tools and helpers along the way. Bach Flower Therapy is a wonderful tool to help regain our balance through the use of Flower Therapy.                                Centaury Flower

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thinking outside the Capsule!

Since the dawn of time, man's reliance on the God-given remedies that were found in the Natural world around him meant that he also had to learn to identify and collect the beneficial plants, and then prepare and take the often very disagreeable potions and elixirs. Only in the last quarter-century has it become commonplace to enclose herbal material in capules for consumption.

Capsules provide convenience, the potential for greater consistency, and a barrier that protects our taste buds form the strong flavors associated with many herbal preparations. Commercially prepared remedies, now including many pills, extracts, and preparation of crude plants. Newcomers to the world of natural healing may also find that the physical similarity of these preparations to familiar pharamceuticals provides a  psychologically more comfortable "bridge" to an otherwise unfamiliar world.

On the down-side, encapsulated herbs can be more difficult to digest and assimilate than simple teas and extracts. The input from the senses of taste and smell that may contribute to the effectiveness of the herbs in their natural form is also reduced. While commercially prepared herbal remedies may make us less dependent on pharmaceuticals, they are necessarily more costly than their "home-grown" counterparts, and they still keep us dependent on sources outside our own means to provide them.  Since few of us have sophisicated analytical equipment, the quality, efficacy, and even the proper identity of plants in these products is largely a matter of faith in the company that produces them. Perhaps even more significantly, complete reliance on manufactured supplements and remedies does little to bridge the chasm between our selves and the bounty of natural healing power that lies under our very footsteps. 1

1. Trinity College of Natural Health, Herbology

Saturday, September 11, 2010


My name is Lorraine LeSage, and I'm a CNHP certified natural health professional. I'm currently in the process of opening a health and wellness center in Hilbert, Wi that will provide natural solutions to chronic health problems.